Seasonal Care

Spring Start-Up

10 Springtime Start-Up Tips for Water GardensWith the onset of warm weather, now is the time to get outside and begin enjoying the water gardening season. Ponds that have been dormant all winter may need a little extra care to get back on track. Here are ten simple steps to prepare for a successful water garden season.Evaluate the pond. The first step is to take a look at the pond and determine w… Read More »

Fall Shut-Down

As the warm summer months come to an end, our most common question is, “What do I do with my pond now?”. Winterizing your pond is an important step to ensure a safe start-up next spring. Here are some easy tips to help you on your way: Netting As the leaves fall it is important to make sure they don't accumulate in the bottom of your pond. You could skim them by hand every day, but to mak… Read More »